reiki healing

Carolina Goldberg is an advanced Reiki master level 4, in the Japanese system of Dr. Usui and level 2 attuned for Shakti Reiki by Dr. Raven Lee.  


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritually guided life energy, that is received from an attunement, rather than developing the ability overtime for example through the use of meditation. All reiki techniques are part of a lineage, it has been passed down from a Master to a Practioner. In a Reiki session, in person or a long distance, you will get a harmonizing healing and balancing treatment. Reiki works on the aura, chakras and meridians. When the etheric body is balanced, the physical, mental and emotional body feel better.

The word Rei Means spiritual wisdom, universal consciousness, cosmic knowledge. And the word KI is life energy also known as Prana.
This energy is guided by a higher power that knows what vibration and combination of vibration that is needed, for the client, it can do no harm.


  • Private sessions

  • Private reiki certification any level

  • 3x3 sessions

    Three week soul coaching program 3×3 For spiritual awakening and deepening. three one on one healing sessions. Once a week for three weeks.  You will have tremendous growth in your life. Each session has 3 parts. 1. Discussing the matter, and getting a tarot reading. I do a Venus Star ⭐️ reading, a divine feminine divination, that takes a snapshot of your soul picture in that moment. We learn what we can address, and what works well already. Part 2. I go in and do Reki and some energy healing. Some mystical Shamanistic techniques like soul retrieval.  Part 3. We discuss, and I will assign a weekly home study like a mantra, or breath work. To further deepen the healing for that week. In this program you prepay for all 3 sessions. 

  • Reiki training session: Soul Journey with reiki 1 and 2 attunements, and certificates. Build your own business as a reiki healer, and light worker. 

Please contact Carolina at or 818.530.8706 for inquiries